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Jewelry & Watches

Turn online jewelry shopping into an immersive, personalized experience.
Showing Tangiblee extensive added value for enhancing the shopping experience for jewelry and watches
Ernest Jones
Helzberg Diamonds
Heritage Auctions
JTV Jewelry & Love
Von Diamonds
PD Paola
The Solist
Showing different watches in side-by-side comparison

View Similar Items Side‑by‑Side with Catalog Comparison

Customers can compare items from the same online catalog, viewing products in detail side‑by‑side and at scale in an interactive on-page experience.
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Virtually Try On Jewelry and Watches

Web-based augmented reality technology brings personalization to product detail pages — no app or 3D imagery required.
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A model with rings and earrings on

Allow Jewelry Stacking Across Categories

Optimize sales by providing suggestions for complimentary jewelry pieces that customers can see on simultaneously.
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A model's ear with earrings being placed on it.

Earring Stacking

Users can place multiple earring types in different locations on the ear - and add all items to the cart with one click.
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Desktop to mobile Sync

Use QR Codes to Sync from Desktop to Mobile

Cross-device compatibility allows customers browsing on the PC to take photos on their cell phone using an auto-generated QR code.
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Showing an earring compared to everyday objects.

View Items Next to Everyday Objects

Address size-related questions with an intuitive, contextual experience that allows customers to compare items to everyday objects.
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View and Add Multiple Items to the Cart with Virtual Try-On (VTO)

Customers can visualize multiple SKUs at once and then add the appropriate item directly to their cart.
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Person virtually trying-on rings and adding them to their cart.

Increase Revenue

Proven to accelerate conversions & increase AOV & RPV.

Reduce Returns

Address size-related concerns with visual context & engagement.

Build Trust

Engage customers and build trust with an intuitive, visual user experience.

Go Live at Any Size

Process catalog sizes up to 100,000 SKUs for enterprise-ready scalability.
What are you waiting for?
Experience the power of Tangiblee for yourself.