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Innovation Spotlight: What Fits Inside

Kenzie DeLong
May 6, 2024
Innovation Spotlight: What Fits Inside

Returns for any reason can be costly in both time and money. They also diminish the customer’s experience and can leave a bad impression. Your customers want to feel confident that their items will fit into their new handbag or luggage. Static images and product dimensions do not provide customers with an accurate understanding of what will fit inside. 

Tangiblee is excited to announce the release of What Fits Inside (WFI). This feature allows customers to visualize what personal or household items will fit inside of their bag. Customers can engage with the feature to add or remove items. They are able to visualize how full the bag is with a moving scale that indicates a percentage of bag capacity. 

For example, a customer may be looking for a new overnight bag. They want to ensure that two t-shirts, two pairs of shoes, a pair of jeans, and some umbrellas will fit inside. The bag will initially load at 100% capacity, and the customer will be able to unload and load the bag with items of their choosing. 

Looking to elevate your e-commerce site with Tangiblee? Schedule a demo here.

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