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Multi-SKU Bundling Furniture and Home Decor

Allow users to add multiple items to cart with a few simple clicks.

Mutli-SKU Bundling allows users to add multiple items to cart at once with a few simple clicks. Once a user is happy with their virtual space they can add all products to their cart with a few simple clicks.

Benefits for the retailer:

  • Increases revenue per visitor and conversion rates.
  • Limits the number of clicks to checkout increasing conversion rates.

User Experience

Within the “Design” tab in Tangiblee’s experience, users can create their perfect space by swapping out various products. Once the user is happy with their space they can add the entire room to their cart with just a few simple clicks*. When the user leaves Tangiblee’s experience they will find all their products in their cart on the retailer’s website.

Virtual Room Design Multi-SKU Bundling

*Please Note: Users will also be able to add single products to cart within this solution.


Related Features

Desktop view of client's product detail page
Retail category

Virtual Room Design

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Furniture & Home Decor