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Tangiblee Management Portal

The Tangiblee Management Portal (TMP) allows clients to view key information regarding their account.

Tangiblee’s development team gathers information from client’s Google Analytics and packages it nicely into the TMP so it is easier for client’s to comprehend. Client’s can find key metrics including audience usage, e-commerce performance, active & processed products, and more.

Benefits for the retailer:

  • Transparency into the impact of Tangiblee.

User Experience

Clients can pull various reports from the TMP in order to better understand the impact that Tangiblee is having on key KPIs. Audience Usage reports will provide the number of users by device type, open rate percentages, and users time in Tangiblee. E-commerce performance reports will allow clients to track conversion rates, revenue per visitor, and an overview of revenue generated by the users that interacted with Tangiblee. With Active & Processed Products, clients can view products that have been successfully processed and published.

Additional Resources:

What can I see in the Tangiblee Management Portal?

What is the TMP?


Related Features

Desktop view of client's product detail page
Retail category


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