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Product Features

2022 Q2 Product Feature Update

May 30, 2024
2022 Q2 Product Feature Update

Our team has continued to build off of our momentum from last quarter. We have worked hard to provide innovative features to help retailers maximize their online shopping experience. Below are our latest features to accelerate e-commerce sites.

Bracelet Stacking - Jewelry

Similar to ring stacking, bracelet stacking allows customers to try on multiple bracelets at once to curate the perfect look. Our revolutionary technology scans the customer’s wrist and realistically places multiple bracelets on the customer. The customer can select bracelets from a dynamic reference list with custom recommendations. Once the customer has created their perfect look they can bundle all the bracelets quickly and add them to their cart with a few simple clicks. This allows retailers to increase cross-selling and revenue per visitor.

Virtual Room Staging - Furniture & Home Decor

Virtual Room Staging allows customers to create their perfect space. Within the virtual room, customers can engage with multiple click points. Each click point will allow customers to swap out a piece of furniture for another one. Customers can continue interacting with the feature and swapping out furniture pieces until they are happy with the design of their space. This feature increases buyer confidence and cross-selling.

PLP Filtering - All Categories

This feature will allow online shoppers to filter the Product Listing Page (PLP) by size, color, and price. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI), this feature will ingest the size, color, and price data from the PLP and sort the products by relevance. Customers can drag the various filters in real-time to see different products based on their preferences. This feature increases conversion rates and buyer confidence.

Sneak Preview: What Fits Inside - Handbags

This feature, still in the beta phase, allows customers to visualize what can fit inside of a handbag. Customers can select various items including wallets, a water bottle, passport, and more to place inside the handbag. As the customer selects more and more items to add to the bag the line moves until it reaches full capacity. This helps customers understand the size of a handbag in terms of depth and width by adding various lifestyle items to fit inside the bag.

Given that this feature is still in beta phase, we are offering it to a selected list of clients, if you would like to be included on that list please reach out to your Account Executive via email.

Are you already a Tangiblee client and looking to implement some of these new features? Contact your Account Executive via email. Not yet a client, but want to see what these features could mean for your e-commerce site? Schedule a demo here.

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