Interactive Gallery
Provide online shoppers with an intuitive UX to navigate through the thumbnail gallery quickly and easily.

Interactive Gallery gives users a seamless experience by making the UX easy to understand and use. This ensures that all customers will be able to engage with the products to feel confident before they buy.
Benefits for the retailer:
- Limits the amount of time to checkout.
- Limits the number of clicks to checkout increasing conversion rates.
User Experience
When users open up the Tangiblee experience they will automatically be shown the Interactive Gallery. Users will then be able to easily navigate between different features, product categories, and more.
Below you can explore the various use cases for this feature:
1. Jewelry and Watches
- On Model, one product (context modes)

- On Model, single-category stacking (stackable items, history items, wishlist)
- On Model, multi-category stacking (product categories tabs)

- On Me/VTO (multiple VTO photos)

- On Me, single-category stacking
- Compare (recently viewed items, daily items, wishlist)

2. Handbags and Luggage
- On model/ Design (context modes)

- Compare (adjustable silhouette, airlines, recently viewed items, daily items, wishlist)

- Will it fit (product groups: clothing, shoes, electronics, accessories, etc or themes: beach, office, etc.)

3. Furniture and Home Decor
- Room View (adjustable silhouettes, reference items)

- Design (product categories: sofas, tables, lamps, etc)

- Compare (adjustable silhouettes, reference items)

- My room (Wall Art AR) (different AR photos)