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Configuración de análisis: descripción general

Para que Tangiblee pueda enviar eventos a su Google Analytics (GA), debe permitirnos acceder a su GA de acuerdo con la guía Configuración de Analytics - Configuración de la cuenta de GA - GA4.

Hay 2 formas comunes cómo integrarse con su GA:

  • GTag.js
  • Gestor de etiquetas de Google (GTM)

Integraciones de análisis para Tangiblee Integrations

Integration with Tangiblee

GTAG is used

GTM is used

Managed Integration

Create custom dimensions and share access with

Create custom dimensions and share access with Configure dataLayer variables, triggers, and tags.

Self-service Integration

Create custom dimensions and share access with Update integration (add new plugins). Please refer to Transition to GA4-plugins for self-service

Create custom dimensions and share access with Configure dataLayer variables, triggers, and tags. Update integration code (add plugins). Please refer to Transition to GA4-plugins for self-service.

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